Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Word from the Admiral.....

Sailors Wife here…since arriving on Monday, we have been to a dock birthday party, had one or two thunderstorms, found a nice little restaurant we hope to return to (Abalon, or something like that…you know, up to the traffic ring, take a right, and go three blocks), set up the keyboard (although I am missing the part that would allow me to practice with headphones, due to “borrowing” it for the studio less than 12 hours before I left – GRRR).

We have been trying to follow the Winter Olympics but only can get updates on the computer, never actually SEE any of it, and establishing that I am the superior player at crib, and that Rick gets lucky at gin rummy. I am onto my third novel, and have discovered that Dramamine does make me sleepy a little, but that the prescription from Dr H does not. What else? Finding I wear out in the heat (the ipod player had a readout of 113 F degrees this afternoon!)…and that I am looking forward to the kayaks tomorrow and the sail to Mazatlan….later next week?

I have been keeping my ears open and writing some of the ideas of the other sailor’s wives, so my song cycle should be ready to get started once we are under sail….or sooner. There is good, and there is bad….should be fun. Till later, Nathene (aka Sailor’s Wife) ps apparently there are TANGO lessons on Sunday afternoons in town!


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Bob said...

Hi Rick, Nathene,

Enjoying your posts...glad to see you both enjoying life down there. Tip one or two for me tonight!

Safe travels!!



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