La Cruz (The Cross) as it is more commonly known is a small fishing village that is now on the edge of significant development and change. It is named after a cross in the center of town made out of a Huanauxctle tree.

In the lower part of the town, between the new highway and the ocean, the streets are all cobble stone and just wide enough to for 2 vehicles (or donkey carts) to squeeze past each other. There are a number of small little stores with a few shelves/pretty low inventory as well as restaurants. The restaurants vary from being larger more focused on touristas to small, little holes in the wall with maybe two tables, a few chairs, and no signs indicating it is a diner vs. a private residence. In the evenings, especially Fridays and Saturdays, the central plaza comes alive with all the locals visiting and kids playing. A walk down the streets is taken with caution to avoid twisting an ankle on the cobble stone or to avoid stepping on a sleeping dog, of which there are many. In the early morning hours, roosters can be heard crowing as everyone seems to have a few chickens. They can be seen on the streets, pecking their way around, or in some cases, on a grill by the sidewalk for a few pesos…..
La Cruz is becoming well known for its music. Local bands, individuals, passer- thru’s, or who-ever, will come down and start jamming or playing either by plan or spontaneity, we can’t really tell. Today, there is large condo development underway all around on the hills above the town as well as a large hotel just commencing at the marina. When the marina was built, there were a number of homes and businesses that lost their direct ocean front views as they filled in the area in front of them. Change is coming, with it, perhaps a better economic future for many, but also at the cost of an older lifestyle which will fade away.
Enjoying your blog, even if it is old. Aren't we all getting that way.
I am looking at an Islander 30 on Sunday to buy. Hope it works out, but If I have to keep looking, I will. Seems like a sturdy built boat of roomy design with reasonable sailing qualities?
Actually, your post is not as old as I thought it was. Sorry.
Where are you now?
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