Monday, February 15, 2010

The Move to La Cruz...

Got up this morning, had another very cold shower in a smelly shower stall. Rather than wait for Nathene to arrive and have to endure the noise, poor security, dirty bathrooms (which are always locked), constant sales opportunities, etc. I decided to move to La Cruz de Huanacaxtle.

Jason and I went by it when we came in, thinking that it was only an anchorage. Last Friday, we found out that there was a new marina there. I contacted the marina they had slips available and I solo sailed over. It took about 2 hours or so, nice light wind right off the nose so I motored for a while. Once clear of the sand bars at the east end of the bay, I turned towards La Cruz and sailed in. Got in around 2 or so (crossed back into Mountain Standard Time), did a quick check in, and caught a taxi to the aeropuerto. Waited for about a ½ hour and Nathene came through the gate. She had a good flight, no problems, other than having to get up at an early hour… The airport taxis charge twice as much as a regular taxi but we were able to go across the street from the airport over a foot bridge which saved us over 200 pesos.

Riviera Nayarit Marina is very much a first class facility. Everything is clean, hot water in the showers, nice capitana’s lounge, internet, etc. and most of all they seem to want to provide a good service. La Cruz itself is a pretty small town, no major stores, so we will be shopping locally and should be doing a lot of walking. There will be a hotel attached to this marina in the future, but for now, it is pretty quiet, more or less what the doctor ordered. I see us kicking back until Nathene gets a little rest and then some day sailing, maybe kayaking, and a little snorkeling. Bandaras Bay has some great day sailing, water is very warm, and there are quite a few whales in the bay as well. Several islands nearby have good anchorages, and should be nice snorkeling.
(Did I mention that the Admrial has arrived?)


At 7:40 PM, Blogger CalamityJ said...

Glad that Mom made it and you found a better place to stay! Sounds more like it!
Check out:


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