Wednesday, February 03, 2010


First day of the holiday was not too good. Got to the airport, had my first bad experience with West Jet. They had been having problems with the online booking but when I booked in November there did not seem to be an issue. Apparently they had me flying from Edmonton not Calgary. Sort of agreed to disagree, I had to pay extra, and am dealing with it separately.
Got into Mazatlan and was met by Dennis York and his wife. They were kind enough to give me a lift from the airport to the marina. Unfortunatly, his mom has gotten ill and they had to leave the next day. I was hoping to get to see and visit them for at least a few days.
Boat looked good from the outside, lock was corroded and had a tough time opening it up. Once open, my problems really started. There was a couple of inches of water on the floor, batteries were dead and as such, so was the bilge pump.... Solar chargers seem fine though.... grrrrrr. Dennis declined the tour, and headed back to start packing for his trip.
I bailed the boat out and started scrubbing, all evening, and all day yesterday. Got most of the gunk, mildew, etc. out, but with boats, there are always more corners and little storage spots. I think what happened is that the cockpit drains must have plugged and with the heavy rains from a hurricane this fall, it flooded. I am feeling better about it today but there is still lots to do.
Last night, it poured, like you would not believe. Very unusual for this time of year, locals blaming it on El Nino. On the plus side, it gave me a chance to see where the caulking is failing in a couple of windows, etc. as well.
Today I will pick up some new batteries and then start testing systems.... hopefully no damage to radios, DC system, engine, etc.
A real bad day on the boat does not beat a real good day at work, but even bad days on holidays still beat OK days at work.....


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Sinister Wife said...

Sorry to hear about all of your least you haven't broken any teeth! I still need to get a crown after my trip to Paris!
Love you,


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