Thursday, January 24, 2008


Tan'si is an 1973 Islander 30 that I bought on ebay from a not for profit society. She had been abandoned at a marina and neglected for about 5 years when I got her. No name on the boat, so we named her "Tan'si".

"Tan'si" is a Northern Cree word that loosely translated, means "Welcome". I worked with a number of northern communities, developed some great friendships with some very good people who are passionate about their language and culture. "Tan'si" is a tribute to those people.

Our boat is not the prettiest vessel to grace the seas at this time, as I have focused most of my efforts on making sure she is a sound vessel. I left her in Berkeley for 2 years and did a lot of work on the boat there. I traveled down 3 or so times a year and spent a couple of weeks at a time working on the boat and also getting to see the Bay area as well as Napa Valley and other places. It was sort of like cruising without leaving the dock.

Tan'si is our toehold into the cruising world. I am not ready to retire yet, so we are limited to a few trips a year and Tan'si gives us a feel for what cruising would be like at a pretty low investment. Also makes for a great holiday at a reasonable cost, even including marina or dry storage fees for the year.


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