Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Once Henri and Rob left, I pulled out of the marina and anchored out in front of the beach for a couple of days waiting for Nathene to arrive. It was a little rocky with some swells coming in from the Pacific. Just nice to kick back and soak up some warm sun. Spent a little time walking the beach, getting a few provisions, etc. Used the dinghy to get back and forth from the boat. Should look at getting a kicker as paddling sort of wears on you....
Cabo is not your sleepy little Mexican Village. Lots of noise, parties to all hours, and general tourist slock. Just before catching a shuttle, I overheard this lady going on and on to the waiter about "How your Mexicans are much nicer than our Mexicans...." refering to the locals in Cabo vs the immigrants back home. Talk about rude, do people realize how racist they are?
On Sunday morning, I moved back into the Marina for a night as Nathene was arriving that day. I met her at the airport, we returned and spent that day and the next touring around the Marina and area. Anchored out for Nathene's second night there, lots of rock and roll with the swells. Left early morning for Los Frailes....


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