Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heading North....

The marina has been a buzz of activity with cleaning, trimming and setting up for a big boat show this weekend. There are big pavilions being put up, lots of boats being brought in, internet has improved and they even brought in an ATM machine.
We have had a great time, day sailing, touring around, lazing around, etc. but....

It is time for us to move north, weather window has opened up and we leave this morning….

Will update from Mazatlan!


At 8:18 AM, Blogger el guapo said...

Well I hope you have had smooth sailing and all is warm and beautiful. We are getting the warm weather here now as well - 11 degrees today - I would expect all the snow to be gone soon. Do take time to relax and just exist in the here and now. It must be so nice without cell phones, the news, people's petty problems, and all the distractions that we mistake for life. The trails are clearing here nicely - may go for my first spring run - 3 km - in a day or two.


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