Back to Puerto Vallarta....
Nathene always refers to Tansi, as my mistress. In some ways, she is right. Tansi needs constant attention, needs me to spend lots of time on her, and needs me to spend lots of money on her just to keep her in reasonable condition. Within a couple of days, after leaving the boat for a year, the engine purrs, the sails are up, and as always, there is a list of things that need to be done.
That is part of the life of being a boat owner. Cruising as a life style has been described as “fixing boats in exotic places”. It is true. On the other hand, people always ask me “what the worst storm we have been in” or “it must be really expensive to own a boat” or “aren’t you afraid of pirates”?
Cruising or sailing is about none of those things. It is more about the adventure, the delights that occur in perhaps just a moment of time that you would never experience elsewhere, or maybe some of the people you meet, their stories, and their lives. It is what I would rather share, much more interesting than the “horror stories”. How many of you have seen the “green flash” that occurs just as the sun sinks down over the horizon on a clear day (my 2 crew members missed it both days)? Or spending 3 hours with a pod of dolphins on a moonless but starry night with phosphorescence plankton glowing as the dolphins stirred it up?
We will be spending our time chec king out the sights and day sailing around Bandaras Bay while Nathene is here. Our neighbors, Ruth and Bain, from Cochrane are coming to PV as well and will be spending a few days with us doing what ever….
By the way, if nothing else, it beats the cold and shoveling snow….
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