Monday, October 30, 2006

Monterey Bay

Today was great; we had good winds for pretty much the entire time. Didn't have to use the motor at all except for the last hour to cut across the wind into the bay, and through harbour, which Dad says was like a zoo because of all the seals posing and barking Everywhere (a ton of fishing boats nearby...)

We're going to stay in Monterey Bay tonight and tomorrow for provisions and for me to get a bit more climatized to the boat... although today, I'm very proud to say, I didn't get sick ONCE! The weather was in my favour, it was smooth and calm for most of the day (and no motor bouncing us along the waves).

Anyway, off to dinner! Enjoy the pics...

another smokin' picture; me and our now functional spinnaker sail

The bluffs at Ano Nuevo.

Sunset over the ruins at Ano Nuevo.

One of our circus performers here at Monterey Bay.


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