Monday, October 30, 2006

Santa Cruz

So had a poor wind day again... we pulled into Ano Nuevo around 4pm, the midpoint between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz. Apparently there was a nice place to anchor that was protected by rocks... but it was waaaaay too bumpy for me. Which meant we stayed long enough to anchor, close up for the night, have some food, then unpack and set sail again. This time we sailed in the dark; what with the time change the sun had set at 5:15. We made it to Santa Cruz just before midnight, and were asleep by 1. I wasn't much help for the night sail because it turned out that my motion sickness was amplified by the fact that there wasn't anything stable to look at, and each time I got sick I was overcome with chills. Dad wound up sailing it all while I curled up with a sleeping bag and my bucket. Poor dad, he was pretty tired by the time we got here.

Anyway, we docked at the marina, and here we are. At a coffee shop, with free wireless. No pictures this time, sorry!

Yesterday was cool though; we saw some great landscape, plus a few pods of dolphins (from afar), and a lot of elephant seals (apparently Ano Nuevo is "famous for its elephant seal rookeries")... when we were leaving our little bay, one actually followed us for Quite some time; he seemed very curious as to what we were doing.

So today, we might stick around town and provision a bit; get me some SPF 8000 or something for my face and some more food, water, and fuel.

My cell actually has coverage right now, so if you're looking to call, today is the time!

Much love!


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