Friday, October 27, 2006

pictures from san francisco

so i discovered a free wireless provider out here in the marina, built an account, and here i am-- sitting on the deck of the boat (best reception out here) and posting those pictures i mentioned! click on the photo to see it bigger, then click Back to return to the blog.

everytime i see this sign a laugh a little...

here's the san fran skyline + golden gate bridge by day; this was only about a 2 minute walk from the marina, and was right next to the hot dog vendor that has been feeding dad and i lunch (jealous erin?)

sun setting behind the golden gate bridge

dad hard at work; i took this picture about 2 minutes ago when i realized i had internet and could post something online

here i am... hard at work... *cough*

and here's my view... pretty rough, isn't it?

dad wants the computer now, so i'm off! next post from somewhere south of here. heh.


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