Friday, October 27, 2006

Live From the Berkeley Marine Centre...

Its me again. Dad seems to have lost interest in posting himself since he knows that I'll do it in the end. You know me and internet.

In the Berkeley Marine Centre, and just bought a bag of boat parts all by myself. Dad gave his usual instructions ("get a pen zinc, and tell them its for... that shaft... they'll know", and between me and 3 people here, we figured it out. Dad's enjoying the ritzy showers at the C dock, as opposed to our homeless-ridden showers at the J dock, and here I am.

I'll try to be a bit more... readable.

Weather has been gorgeous. High 70s to Low 80s... I've been uncomfortably hot outside, even in just a tank top and pants. We have a great view nearby of the San Francisco skyline, and the Golden Gate Bridge-- I took a few really nice pictures of the sunset yesterday. We've been really lucky in that sense.

I got into San Fran on Wednesday night with no problems. Got back to the boat, quick tour (it was dark already), and fell asleep. Up yesterday around 6:30, and off we went. Got a furling jib sail up (Dad thinks that this is pretty neat; I imagine that the coolness of it is lost on me), and did random tasks while Dad disappeared into the belly of the beast. We then drove around the bay area, and got lost in Oakland only once. Jamie, Jessie's friend who lives here, called at that time, asking where we were-- when we said "lost in Oakland", she replied with "oh my god... lock your doors". I later heard on the radio that Oakland alone has had 120 murders this year... JUST OAKLAND. Nuts.

Anyway, we spent a lot of money on boat parts yesterday, and I went grocery shopping. We were trying to get everything done that was a fair ways away because we had to return the rental car to the airport at 9pm... we pushed everything as late as we could, and made it to the airport at 9:03. We weren't charged extra.

We then caught the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport) from the Airport in South San Francisco all the way back to Berkeley, then cabbed an extra 15 minutes back to the marina. We were both passing out right there on the BART. So sleepy. Literally walked into the boat with my head lamp on, made sure nothing sharp or pointy was in the way, and fell asleep. It was a long, productive day, and we got a LOT done... it was pretty satisfying.

Today we stayed on the boat. Dad was fixing all of the lines in the underbelly, while I was doing detail work on the outside, one project had something to do with cotter pins, and the other involved sanding the old registration off the boat and putting out new one on. We then tackled the fuel lines (and only spilled diesel on the front end of the cabin), and Dad kinda sprained his ankle, but he's still walking on it, and says its fine. You know Dad.

Anyway, tonight we're going to do a general clean up, pack, and plan on setting sail early tomorrow morning. Depending on my skill (or lack thereof) when it comes to boating, we'll either stop in Enseneda (south of San Diego) or go all the way down the peninsula to Cabo. I guess this next little trip will tell all. Wish us luck, and I'll next post when I can!

p.s-- Dad told me how to spell the boat's name: it's "Tan'si", which is Cree for "Welcome". I'll post pictures one day, I promise.


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